While the paragraph only maintains the text, the paragraph context maintains all configurable characteristics of the paragraph (see above). The current implementation directly has
paragraph alignment (default being justified, last line left)
paragraph format (default being none)
paragraph width (default being 80)
an optional library for dropped capital letters (default being not set)
an optional theme for a frame (default being not set)
The following characteristics are handled by special objects (one for each), which the context provides access to:
indentations (for first line and hanging paragraph)
all margins
all characters
all strings
all character (and target) translators
Additionally, the context provides a number of helper methods for rendering
different calculations for width, starting with simple text width and finishing with an all inclusive width
convenience methods to jointly set margins and characters, for the same left/right or top/bottom pairs
The paragraph can be initialized with a given context or plain, in which case it will create its own context object. Any future characteristics will be added to the paragraph context